CT Mom Bloggers…{Post Baby Photo shoot}

Have you heard about these ladies?
CT Working Moms
They are getting national attention for a photo shoot they had.
This wasn’t your run of the mill photo shoot! These moms were baring all to embrace their bodies and let their readers, and the world know how proud they are of their “saggy stripes.” They wanted to show what “real” moms look like…not the ones who have personal chefs, trainers, photoshop, and other things to help them out.
I remember being so self conscious of my body when I was pregnant. That awkward stage where you don’t look quite pregnant…you look like you’ve put on a few extra pounds was really rough for me. I just was used to being “the skinny one” that’s it. Infact I remember saying that to my husband, “I’m supposed to be the skinny girl, not the fat girl.” Then the point where I was 40 weeks…then 41 weeks. I gained 10 lbs in the last week alone. I was huge! My face was puffy and it was just really hard for me. I looked back at pictures of me before I was pregnant-pictures I felt fat in at that time (when my shirt was folded over and {heaven forbid} my stomach didn’t look flat-I hoped I could get back to that again.
There are parts of me that fear being big and pregnant again…not only because it’s SO uncomfortable, but because of the way I look.
Then I remind myself of my precious little angel that’s here with us because
Now exercise isn’t what it used to be! I exercise to be fit and healthy, not just thin. I want to be strong so I can put my body through the stress of carrying a child again.
My goal for baby #2 is to be happier about my body in the process. Enjoy it, embrace it, because I will get back to size because that’s what I want. Being fit is important to me, it isn’t to everyone and that’s fine. I feel the healthier and stronger my body is the less of an impact each c-section will have {that may not be true, but that’s what I tell myself}
These ladies have a new place on their website called the “Goddess Gallery” where other ladies can send in their post baby belly and get it posted.
Check it out.
Let’s encourage each other, not put one another down.
Would you post your belly shots online?
Posting things like this scares me because I feel like I’ll be judged. Just because I don’t have a “spare tire” doesn’t mean that I’m not self conscious about my body at times too.
Against my better judgement here’s a shot of mine.
A few {hundred} extra bumps and lines…

Linky Parties
Fireflies and Jellybeans



  1. July 9, 2012 / 7:11 pm

    As one of the Mamas who participated in this photo-shoot, I want to THANK YOU for a lovely write-up and your honesty! I think it’s so important that you pointed out that “just because you don’t have a spare-tire, doesn’t mean you’re not self-conscious about your body.” Many people commented on how great some of us looked and “what the hell are we complaining about” ~ unfortunately poor body image plagues so many women, no matter what we look like! I, too, was always the thin one, so embracing my softness as a Mama is never an easy thing, even if it does eventually go away. Love to you, Dear Sister.

  2. Krista
    July 2, 2012 / 8:57 pm

    I’m confused… Is this before and after? Left to right? Both you?

  3. July 2, 2012 / 5:42 pm

    you go girl! that’s awesome. and you look GREAT!

    • July 3, 2012 / 2:35 am

      Thanks Megan! Have fun in Boston when you guys go… I really liked Boston when we went there, it was only for a day, but it was a lot of fun!!!

  4. July 2, 2012 / 4:18 pm

    I think you look amazing! Good for you. I would never dare do that. Plus, I still haven’t gone back to the gym since having Weston and I eat like crap. ugh. You are great reminder that I need to go back and eat healthier!

    • July 3, 2012 / 2:34 am

      haha I never went to the gym after I had my baby either! It’s SO hard…I only went once a week and that’s because I LOVED this gym class and my MIL could watch him 🙂 I just went on lots of walks the first couple of months. It also helped that we lived on the top floor and climbing 3 flights of stairs is hard work when you’re carrying a baby and 6 bags of groceries, haha!

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