
Help Feeding A Picky Eater || Happy Mama Mentor Chat

This post is sponsored by Happy Family Brands but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

When it comes to our children is there anything more important than their nutrition? Similarly, is there anything more frustrating than trying to get your child to eat a well balanced meal? Everyone I know could use some help feeding a picky eater!

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Our oldest has always been an amazing eater. When he was a baby we lived in Connecticut and our best friends there had a son his age too. My son would eat his sandwich, then proceed to eat the other half of his friend’s sandwich that he didn’t finish. His favorite vegetable was broccoli, he could never have enough. One time we were out to eat with his cousin and a bowl full of broccoli came out and my son got so excited he grabbed a handful and immediately ate it.

It was his cousin’s broccoli!

He finished his broccoli, and I’m sure ate some more of his cousin’s. So needless to say we haven’t had many problems with him when it comes to eating a well balanced meal. His two younger brothers, on the other hand, are another story. Unfortunately!

Each meal is a fight. I eventually resort to begging them to eat just one bit, then I begin to bribe them with a treat if they eat their whole meal.

I need all the help I can get with these two. That’s why I love this new program from Happy Family Organics!

Help Feeding A Picky Eater

Happy Family Organics supports us parents in more ways than one!

  1. They provide us with premium, organic snacks and meals
  2. Now! Free advice with any feeding questions you might have, giving you confidence in nourishing your family.

Now when you go to you can use their free live chat service to get advice for all of your feeding questions. You won’t be getting advice from just anyone! Each Happy Family Mentor is a registered dietician, lactation specialist and are certified in infant and maternal nutrition.

Oh! And they’re all moms!

I especially love that they are all moms, because that means they have experienced what they are teaching first hand. That is so important. They are experienced professionals.  What a wonderful opportunity to get professional help for free.

What types of questions do you need answered?

Happy Family Organics has food for all different stages and ages:

Ages 6 months – 12 months

  • Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Jars
  • Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Pouches
  • Happy Baby Snacks

Ages 12 months – 36 months

  • Happy Tot Pouches
  • Happy Tot Fiber & Protein Bars
  • Happy Tot Super Smart Cookies

Ages 36+ months

  • Happy Kid Products

I really appreciate being able to feed my kids vegetables without them necessary knowing. Even my oldest who will eat his vegetables.

Now go! Ask any feeing questions you have on this free support platform.


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