I love designer bags. I love designer shoes. I also love a good deal. Finding designer bags and designer shoes at a discount can be hard to come by. So when I do find a good deal, and actually get the item before it sells out, I have to share it with you! Luckily that just happened when I saw a bag I’ve been eyeing for several months now was half off. Tory Burch Sale? I’m there!
My love for Shopbop runs deep. Shopbop has the most amazing selection of bags and shoes.
PLUS, Luckily for all of us Amazon lovers, Shopbop now has a shop on Amazon!!!
Like I mentioned before, I had my eye on a Tory Burch bag for a long time. I’m not exactly sure why I never actually purchased it before now. Probably because I had other priorities, like shoes, dresses, shorts for summer, etc. Thank heavens I didn’t actually buy it because I ultimately was able to purchase it at such a deep discount! I’d definitely say 50% off is a deep discount.
As a Shopbop influencer I knew they were going to put all their sale items on an extra 30% off discount. {Be sure to follow along so you can know when Shopbop has their amazing sales, because I will definitely keep you in the loop}. Since I knew that I took a chance and didn’t purchase the bag. I carefully put it in my cart the night before the sale began, and as soon as I woke up I refreshed my cart, entered the code, and purchased my bag. OK, BAGS! Because I purchased two.
I also purchased a Kate Spade that was OVER 50% OFF! Lucky me!
I’ll update this post when I receive my bag, so you can see how I style it and just how cute it is!
Until then check out these other items on a steep discount {links below}:
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