Categories: Reviews

“I Just Want To Pee Alone” Book Review

“I Just Want To Pee Alone is the new Chicken Soup for the Soul!”
 – Hilary, My Own Blog Review

And who doesn’t love Chicken Soup for the Soul?

This book is a must read for all mothers…with a sense of humor. It does have some four letter words and colorful descriptions, but if you can get past that it is laugh out loud funny. Seriously. I’m not into four letter words at all and I’m saying that.

This book is comprised of 37 essays which are all written by bloggers. How cool is that? Bloggers who have written a book and in less then two weeks it is #1 in Amazon’s Parenting and Family Humor category and #1 on iTunes in humor. I love the essay format, especially as a mom! Time is precious!!!

They’re doing something right!

I was reading it in bed, while my husband was studying right next to me, laughing out loud. I was dying! It took everything I have to keep it in so I didn’t have to get out of my nice, warm bed and go read in the other room.

They are sharing the stories we all have but aren’t always brave enough to share. Like, how terrible the whole Disneyland experience really is with a toddler. All you see are the amazing {happy} pictures everyone posts on Facebook and Instagram. Now I truly understand why my mom always said she wouldn’t go until all her children were potty trained. Or that really great moment, when you think you look so good, all dressed up…even wearing heels! Then you look down and realize your son spilled on your shirt and it looks like you’re leaking. Not hot!

Only they are sharing these experiences with humor.

You can buy it on Amazon:

I honestly don’t remember the last time, while reading a book, I laughed so hard I started to cry. Again, I’m not kidding, this is a must read for all mothers. The perfect gift for your friend’s baby shower next weekend. Just make sure and tell her not to read it until after that baby is four or five months old. Don’t want all this truth to scare her too much.

It really is amazing! What you think motherhood is like…then there’s reality! I can kick and scream, even cry when things don’t go as planned. Or I can learn to laugh when I get my son out of his carseat and realize that I forgot to put pants on him. It’s cool!

Go buy a copy!
Tell me what you think!!!

I received the Kindle version of this book free of charge. Regardless, my thoughts are my own.


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  • I've heard this is hilarious. Definitely gonna pick it up! Thanks! Although I'm a total fan of moms being real, I do have to say as a weekly Disneyland go-er, we have a blast on our trips, for reals, not faked. And that's why we go so often. I think certain ages and/or multiple kids can affect how difficult it can be, I get it, amusement parks, total potentional for chaos, but we don't stay all day and we don't get long lines cuz we live here and can go when it's not crowded and crazy. We go with other kiddy friends and stay for just a few hours. We are just at an easy phase I guess. And im soaking it up now cuz I know it won't last once baby #2 comes along!

    • Hayley! I totally hear ya! I think that it really would be great to live near Disneyland/World and have a pass...that way if the baby goes crazy then we're not out $600 for the day, because we can always go back the next day :) Can't wait to see pictures of baby #2 !!!!

  • Thanks for the positive review! We're so happy to have made you cry. Um...laugh-cry. Yeah. That.

  • Hi there,

    I have a quick question about "My Own Blog Review!" Please email me when you have a chance...thank you :)

  • Thank you so much for the lovely review! "The new Chicken Soup For The Soul" is my new fave description. :)

  • I kept my husband awake several nights in a row. I kept chuckling and quoting the book like a crazy woman! Thank you for the kind words!

  • Thank you for taking the time to read our words then write about them. Come over here and let me hug you!

  • This just made my day! Thank you for reading...thank you for laughing and keeping your husband awake...and thank you thank you for sharing the love with your readers! I'm totally hugging you right now. Can you feel it?? :)

  • Thanks for this review! And this is now how I will describe it to everyone--"the new Chicken Soup for the Soul!" Appreciate you sharing this :)

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