I go through spurts with my food. Sometimes I’ll eat all of my non-fat cottage cheese in a few days, other times I will hardly eat any of it before it expires. I hate throwing away loads of expired food, isn’t it the worst? The next time I go to the grocery store I’ll get it again because it’s healthy and good for me…then I don’t eat it. Again. When will I learn?
Here area few of my favorite things:
Pepperidge Farm Gold Fish
I was never much of a hummus girl, until I couldn’t eat dairy, then I was forced to like it. When you can’t eat dairy you are really limited on what you can eat, so I ate a lot of hummus. I love it now, and so does my toddler. He loves to dip his pretzels and eat the hummus, then dip it again, and again…
Check out my Dairy Free posts Here!
Salmon  Image
Salmon has always been a favorite of mine. When I was little my parents and I would go to Little America (a hotel) and eat at the Coffee Shop. We always got the salmon, which came with a salad and dessert. Their blue cheese is amazing, I loved to dip crackers in what was left from my salad. For the dessert I always got burnt almond fudge ice cream-to die for! Their hot chocolate and breakfast is amazing too…oh I wish I could go there now!
Yoplait Fruplait Yoplait I’m not really a big fan of yogurt in general. My husband loves it, eats one every day. Right now he likes these they actually are pretty good, but I just can’t bring myself to eat them on a regular basis. When I was at the store getting his yogurt I stumbled upon these Fruplait…2x the fruit caught my eye. I bought them, tried them and loved them! Go get some today, they’re so good! Now I eat yogurt everyday too Last but not least….
Spaghetti Squash
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How did I not know about this before? This stuff is amazing. I love the crunch and the flavor. I’m making it for dinner tonight, I’ll post the recipe soon!
Be excited
Be very, very excited!
What are your favorite things?
I didn’t know you blogged! this is awesome! I saw that yogurt the other day to! I can’t eat dairy either.. does it bother your stomach?
the thing I’m loving right now?
Homemade Almond Butter! YUM!
Yum! Homemade Almond Butter sounds amazing! I love almond butter. I used to not be able to eat dairy, while I was BF my son, but I’m good now, and he’s over his allergy! Thank goodness, dairy free diets are rough! I’m sorry you can’t have dairy.!.