5 Star-Loved it! Adding it to our regulars
4 Star-Liked it. One loved it, not both of us
3 Star-It’s good, worth a try
2 Star-Needs improvement, next time I make it I’ll tweak it a little
1 Star-Does this even need to be explained? Probably wont make it again
Welcome! The fact that you're here shows you love dessert recipes too, so I know…
I love special events because they really get the creative juices flowing. Everyone loves a…
Handmade Frozen Olaf Valentine My son loved these Valentine's, but I think it and…
Thank you so much for coming to Embellishmints! I'm so excited you want to get…
The Super Bowl is right around the corner and you know what that means! Lots…
This is my new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. I mean really! I have very…