Why do I look pregnant at 4 weeks? Am I bloated? I don’t feel bloated! How do you hide your baby bump?
When I was pregnant with my son my pregnancy test didn’t show up positive for almost a week! So you can imagine how long that week was, sitting and waiting!
Once we started actually trying for number two I was a little nervous to take a home pregnancy test. I didn’t want to waste the money for it to just be negative, but I really wanted to know! Since I’m the most patient person in the world {{not}} I took it a day early and it was POSITIVE! What the? How was it positive? That was a whole week before my positive pregnancy test with my son. Who cares? I’m pregnant!!!
There were a few reason I had suspected as such:
- I was super on edge! Anything and everything made me go from 0-60 in .2 seconds!
- I was going to the bathroom A Lot!
- Metallic taste in my mouth, which I also had with my son.
- Extra bloated tummy-although I wasn’t actually uncomfortable. I just had a bulging stomach!
- It’s August, so I can’t hide behind hoodies
- If someone is actually ballsy enough to ask me if I’m pregnant what do I say? Yes, I’m 4 weeks along, thanks for asking! Because that’s not awkward, for both of us!
At least we’re not by family, they’d guess I was pregnant right away! I really don’t look like myself.
I am not really demanding of how I look, but I am also pregnant with #2 and showing a lot more quickly than I did the first time around. Everyone tells me that they don’t see a bump, but I see it and so does my husband. I am definitely in that “Is she pregnant or did she just eat a big lunch?” phase.
The Grass Skirt
I heard you show earlier with #2 too, but couldn’t believe I was showing the first 6 weeks!!! It was still pretty easy to hide for a while, but now there’s no hope 🙂 Now that I’ve told all my friends and family I have no need to hide it, and I prefer it that way.!.
Oh, and CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on Baby #2… so exciting. I feel like this pregnancy will go by much faster than the first. Or so I tell myself 🙂