Why Working Out Makes Such A Big Difference

Not working out really puts a damper on my entire day. Not working out for an entire week? You don’t want to know how looney I get come Friday. My son has been sick all week so the highlights have been going to the doctor and making a quick run to Target. Then there was Friday night …

at 8pm when I went to the grocery store, by myself! Yes that was really a highlight. If you don’t have children you have no idea how invigorating it is to go somewhere without having to put a toddler in his carseat, then out, then in and out again once you get home. That was a real break!

What I’ve noticed this week

  • I have slept terribly
  • I’ve eaten worse and worse every day
  • I have been so lazy {hence eating terrible}
Not working and OR going anywhere really puts a damper on things. Now I should have worked out at home…but I was lazy remember? I’m the type of person that needs to go to the gym, and not have a toddler running circles around me while I try and do jumping jacks in my family room. Thank goodness for my gym pass that includes Kiddie Kare.  
I told you about Revolt last week. If you don’t have a gym pass or you don’t need to go to the gym to get a good workout you should check it out. She has great workout ideas and meal plans she updates every week. I’m looking forward to getting my life back this week!


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