Are you ready for the Superbowl?
Did your team make it?
I don’t know if I can honestly say I have a team when it comes to the NFL. I like the Patriots, but that’s because Tom Brady is married to Gisele Bundchen. I know, I’m a sucker for Victoria’s Secret models {judge away}. I also like the Chargers, but that’s only because my sister is really good friends with a wife of one of the players. So there’s no rhyme or reason to which team I cheer for. Kind of like Jessica Simpson choosing her team based on the colors. If that were the case I guess I’d have to say I’m cheering for the Seahawks.
I can see my husband rolling his eyes right now. haha.
So enter away and win $500 in CASH!!!! Winner will be selected right after kickoff on Superbowl Sunday, February 2nd.